IUCN Launches Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) SKILLS Platform to Combat Biodiversity Crisis

IUCN Launches Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) SKILLS Platform to Combat Biodiversity Crisis

The Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) is a response to the biodiversity crisis, aiming to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Developed collaboratively by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), its Commissions, Members, and Partners, GSAP emphasizes strategic interventions for species conservation aligned with GBF targets.

Objectives of GSAP

  1. Preventing Extinctions
  2. Reducing Extinction Risk
  3. Maintaining and Increasing Abundance of Native Wild Species


The GSAP SKILLS online hub serves as a comprehensive resource to assist governments and stakeholders worldwide in effectively implementing the main species outcomes of the GBF. It offers:

  • Tools
  • Training support
  • Technical guidance

Features of GSAP SKILLS Platform

  1. Comprehensive Resource: Offers tools, training support, and technical guidance.
  2. Global Collaboration: Facilitates global collaboration and partnership.
  3. Real-time Updates: Provides real-time updates on technical tools and resources.
  4. Target Accompaniment: Each GBF target is accompanied by a brief summary and rationale for species conservation interventions, actions, sub-actions, actors, and technical tools and resources.

Management of GSAP SKILLS Platform

The GSAP SKILLS platform is managed proactively by IUCN to meet the needs of governments and all stakeholders to take actions for species conservation.

Support for GSAP SKILLS Platform

The development of the GSAP SKILLS platform has been supported by:

  • Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea
  • Tech4Nature Initiative launched by IUCN and Huawei in 2020

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary objective of the Global Species Action Plan (GSAP)?
    • A) Promoting agricultural development
    • B) Preventing extinctions
    • C) Enhancing urban infrastructure
    • D) Improving international trade relations
    • Answer: B) Preventing extinctions
  2. What does the GSAP SKILLS online hub offer to governments and stakeholders?
    • A) Financial support
    • B) Political advocacy
    • C) Tools, training support, and technical guidance
    • D) Entertainment content
    • Answer: C) Tools, training support, and technical guidance
  3. How is the GSAP SKILLS platform managed?
    • A) Passively
    • B) Proactively by IUCN
    • C) By individual governments only
    • D) By private corporations
    • Answer: B) Proactively by IUCN
  4. Which initiative provided additional resources for the development of the GSAP SKILLS platform?
    • A) Green Energy Alliance
    • B) Tech4Nature Initiative
    • C) Global Industrial Expansion Fund
    • D) International Space Exploration Coalition
    • Answer: B) Tech4Nature Initiative