Law Enforcement Crackdown: Punjab Police Deal Heavy Blow to Drug Cartel

Law Enforcement Crackdown: Punjab Police Deal Heavy Blow to Drug Cartel

Punjab Police conducted a series of raids targeting illegal drug trade. The operation was based on intelligence gathered through surveillance and undercover work.

Arrests and Seizures:

  • High-ranking operatives within the drug cartel were apprehended.
  • Substantial evidence, including cash, weapons, and contraband substances, was seized.

Inspector General’s Statement:

  • Inspector General of Punjab Police, Mr. Amar Singh, praised the operation’s success.
  • Emphasized the dedication and perseverance of law enforcement personnel.


  • The operation marks a significant milestone in the fight against drug trafficking.
  • Demonstrates Punjab Police’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and community safety.


  • Sends a stern warning to those involved in the illicit drug trade.
  • Reflects the relentless pursuit of justice by law enforcement agencies.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What was the basis for the series of raids conducted by Punjab Police?
    • a) Random checks
    • b) Intelligence gathered over months
    • c) Political pressure
    • d) Public complaints
    • Answer: b) Intelligence gathered over months
  2. What type of evidence was seized during the operation?
    • a) Food items
    • b) Electronic gadgets
    • c) Cash, weapons, and contraband substances
    • d) Clothing items
    • Answer: c) Cash, weapons, and contraband substances
  3. Who praised the operation’s success in the battle against drug trafficking?
    • a) Prime Minister
    • b) Inspector General of Punjab Police
    • c) Mayor of a city
    • d) Chief Justice
    • Answer: b) Inspector General of Punjab Police
  4. What does the operation signify regarding Punjab Police’s commitment?
    • a) Commitment to reduce traffic violations
    • b) Commitment to promoting tourism
    • c) Commitment to root out organized crime
    • d) Commitment to increasing taxes
    • Answer: c) Commitment to root out organized crime
  5. What message does the operation send to those involved in the illicit drug trade?
    • a) No message
    • b) Encouragement to continue
    • c) Warning of relentless pursuit by law enforcement
    • d) Invitation to join hands with authorities
    • Answer: c) Warning of relentless pursuit by law enforcement