Maharashtra Tops List of Missing Women in India for 2021: Alarming Statistics Revealed

Maharashtra Tops List of Missing Women in India for 2021: Alarming Statistics Revealed
Maharashtra Tops List of Missing Women in India for 2021: Alarming Statistics Revealed

The recently released “Crime in India” report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has brought to light the disconcerting issue of missing women in India, with Maharashtra claiming the top spot for the year 2021. An alarming number of 56,498 women were reported missing in the state during the year, raising serious concerns about the safety and security of women. The states of Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha also recorded distressing figures, with 55,704, 50,998, and 29,582 missing women, respectively.

The NCRB report reveals that in 2021, a staggering total of 375,058 women above the age of 18 years and 90,113 girls below the age of 18 years were reported missing across the country. Maharashtra witnessed the highest number of missing women, followed closely by Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha.

The issue of missing women is not limited to a single year; the report also sheds light on a troubling trend over a three-year period from 2019 to 2021. During this time frame, a shocking total of 10,61,648 women and 2,51,430 girls were reported missing in India. Once again, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh emerged as the states with the highest numbers of missing women and girls during this period.

In response to these distressing statistics, the government has taken various initiatives to enhance the safety and security of women across the country. These initiatives include the implementation of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018, which imposes stringent penalties, including the death penalty for the rape of girls below the age of 12 years. The act also mandates the completion of investigation and filing of chargesheets in rape cases within two months, with trials to be completed in the same time frame.

Additionally, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has introduced several measures to combat cybercrime and sexual offenses, such as the launch of a cyber-crime reporting portal and an online analytical tool called the “Investigation Tracking System for Sexual Offences.”

To address cases of crime against women, Mahila Police Kaksha, a help desk for women, has been set up at every police station. Furthermore, a Special Juvenile Police Unit and Child Welfare Police Officer (SJPU & CWPO) have been established in all 49 police units across the state, along with one police officer dedicated to each police station.

The state government has also taken proactive steps to ensure women’s safety by setting up toll-free helpline numbers—103 for Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai, and 1091 for the rest of Maharashtra.

Moreover, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has taken significant measures to provide assistance to women affected by violence and distress. They have established 733 one-stop centers across the country, known as “one-stop centers,” to offer support and aid to women in need.

While the numbers are concerning, these initiatives are steps in the right direction to address the issue of missing women and create a safer environment for women across India.