Ministry of Heavy Industries’ SAMARTH Centers Drive Industry 4.0 Revolution

Ministry of Heavy Industries’ SAMARTH Centers Drive Industry 4.0 Revolution

The Ministry of Heavy Industries has established four Smart Advanced Manufacturing and Rapid Transformation Hub (SAMARTH) Centers across India.

  1. Centre for Industry 4.0 (C4i4) Lab, Pune
  2. IITD-AIA Foundation for Smart Manufacturing, IIT Delhi
  3. I-4.0 India @ IISc, Bengaluru
  4. Smart Manufacturing Demo & Development Cell, CMTI, Bengaluru

Achievements and Initiatives

  1. Development of Smart Factories
    • C4i4, Pune, developed an Industry 4.0 solutions-enabled Model Factory.
    • CMTI, Bengaluru, established a production-based Smart Factory.
  2. Use-Case Compilation
    • C4i4, Pune, compiled over 50 use-cases of Industry 4.0 solutions for implementation support.
  3. Maturity Assessment
    • Development of Industry 4.0 Maturity & Readiness assessment tool called Industry 4.0 Maturity Model (I4MM) for Indian manufacturing companies.
    • C4i4 conducted assessments for over 200 factories.
    • Launch of a ‘Free Online Assessment Tool’ for self-assessment purposes to aid MSMEs in accelerating their Industry 4.0 adoption.
  4. Technological Development
    • I-4.0 India @ IISc, Bengaluru, developed 6 Smart Technologies, 5 Smart Tools, and 14 solutions.
  5. Internship Programs
    • IIT Delhi offered 82 summer internships in June-July 2021 and 61 internships in June-July 2022.
  6. Training Programs
    • CMTI, Bengaluru, provided training to about 5000 professionals on Smart Manufacturing & Industry 4.0.

Support Services Offered

  • Organizing seminars, workshops, and knowledge-sharing events.
  • Industry training for awareness about Industry 4.0.
  • Consultancy services in IoT Hardware, Software development, data analytics, and incubation support to start-ups, including MSMEs.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Which ministry established the Smart Advanced Manufacturing and Rapid Transformation Hub (SAMARTH) Centers?
    • A) Ministry of Finance
    • B) Ministry of Heavy Industries
    • C) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
    • D) Ministry of Science and Technology
    • Answer: B) Ministry of Heavy Industries
  2. How many SAMARTH Centers were set up across India?
    • A) 2
    • B) 3
    • C) 4
    • D) 5
    • Answer: C) 4
  3. Which center developed an Industry 4.0 solutions-enabled Model Factory?
    • A) IITD-AIA Foundation for Smart Manufacturing, IIT Delhi
    • B) I-4.0 India @ IISc, Bengaluru
    • C) Centre for Industry 4.0 (C4i4) Lab, Pune
    • D) Smart Manufacturing Demo & Development Cell, CMTI, Bengaluru
    • Answer: C) Centre for Industry 4.0 (C4i4) Lab, Pune
  4. How many use-cases of Industry 4.0 solutions were compiled for implementation support by C4i4, Pune?
    • A) Over 20
    • B) Over 50
    • C) Over 100
    • D) Over 200
    • Answer: B) Over 50