Missed Deadlines Push Up Cost of Mumbai Sea Bridge by Rs 2,192 Crore

Missed Deadlines Push Up Cost of Mumbai Sea Bridge by Rs 2,192 Crore

The ambitious Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) project, envisioned to ease traffic congestion between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, has witnessed a significant cost increase of Rs 2,192 crore ($264 million) due to delays and missed deadlines. This 14.9% escalation over the original estimated cost of Rs 14,712.70 crore comes as a blow to hopes of speedy completion and raises questions about project management and budget control.

Initially slated for completion in September 2022, the 21.8-km sea bridge project faced setbacks due to Covid-induced lockdowns and other unforeseen circumstances. Despite two deadline extensions, one in September 2023 and another in December 2023, the project remains unfinished. Authorities are now aiming for an opening sometime in early 2024.

The cost escalation has been attributed to various factors, including rising material costs, changes in the project scope, and extended construction periods. Critics point to potential mismanagement and lack of foresight in dealing with these challenges, which have led to a significant financial burden on the project.

While the MTHL is expected to provide much-needed relief to commuters and boost economic activity in the region, the cost overruns and delays raise concerns about the efficiency of large infrastructure projects in India. There are calls for greater transparency and accountability in project planning and execution to ensure timely completion within budget constraints.

The MTHL remains a vital project for Mumbai’s infrastructure development, but its cost escalation and missed deadlines underscore the need for robust project management and efficient resource allocation to achieve ambitious infrastructure goals while minimizing financial burdens.