Mount Erebus in Antarctica Erupting Gold Dust, Scientists Monitor Phenomenon

Mount Erebus in Antarctica Erupting Gold Dust, Scientists Monitor Phenomenon

Mount Erebus, situated in Antarctica, holds the distinction of being the world’s southernmost active volcano. Notably, it is the only volcano of its kind, currently erupting as a phonolite volcano. Recent reports highlight an astonishing phenomenon associated with this volcano – it is spewing gold dust, making headlines globally.

Gold Eruption

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Observatory, Mount Erebus is emitting approximately $6000 worth of gold dust each day. This daily output, equivalent to more than Rs 5 lakhs in Indian currency, has garnered significant attention. The ejected gold dust, estimated at around 80 grams daily, is dispersed in the form of crystallized gold particles.

Mechanism and Reach

Reports from IFL Science and Hindustan Times elucidate the process behind the gold emission. The volcano expels gold dust within pockets of gas, propelling it to distances as far as 621 miles away from the eruption site. Mount Erebus, towering at 12,448 feet, not only claims the title of the tallest active volcano in Antarctica but also boasts a reputation for its extreme volatility.

Accessibility and Monitoring

Despite the allure of the gold phenomenon, accessibility to Mount Erebus remains a formidable challenge due to its remote location. Consequently, the gold dust remains beyond reach for individuals seeking to capitalize on the eruption. However, scientists and researchers utilize satellite technology for continuous monitoring of the volcano’s activity.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What distinguishes Mount Erebus among other volcanoes?
    • A) Its location in Antarctica
    • B) Its status as the southernmost active volcano
    • C) Its unique phonolite composition
    • D) All of the above
    • Answer: D) All of the above
  2. How much gold dust does Mount Erebus emit daily?
    • A) $1000 worth
    • B) $3000 worth
    • C) $6000 worth
    • D) $10,000 worth
    • Answer: C) $6000 worth
  3. What is the approximate weight of gold dust expelled daily by Mount Erebus?
    • A) 50 grams
    • B) 80 grams
    • C) 100 grams
    • D) 120 grams
    • Answer: B) 80 grams
  4. How far can the gold dust from Mount Erebus travel?
    • A) 100 miles
    • B) 300 miles
    • C) 500 miles
    • D) 621 miles
    • Answer: D) 621 miles
  5. How do scientists monitor Mount Erebus’s activity?
    • A) Direct observation
    • B) Sending research teams
    • C) Utilizing satellites
    • D) All of the above
    • Answer: C) Utilizing satellites