Nepal-India Literature Festival concludes with adoption of 10-point Biratnagar declaration

Nepal-India Literature Festival concludes with adoption of 10-point Biratnagar declaration

The three-day Nepal-India Literature Festival concluded with the adoption of a 10-point Biratnagar declaration.
The festival was jointly organized by Biratnagar Metropolitan City and Krantidhara Literature Academy of Meerut, India. A 10-point declaration highlighting the mutual promotion of literature between Nepal and India was adopted.

The declaration included translating Nepali literature into Hindi and Hindi into Nepali for mutual promotion, undertaking further research on connecting Mahabharat-era King Birat’s palace with the Mahabharat Circuit in coordination with the Department of Archeology and historians and encouraging young literary writers to further explore the archaeological artefacts.

As many as 350 literary writers representing all seven provinces of Nepal and the majority of states of India participated in the festival. Over 200 litterateurs cited literary creations on the occasion.