A groundbreaking collaboration between OPPO India and NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission has led to the establishment of Kerala’s maiden Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) based on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. The ATL, inaugurated on 10th July at St Paul’s CEHSS in Kuriachira, Thrissur, marks a significant milestone in India’s School Innovation journey. Its core mission is to empower young minds in grades six to 12, cultivating a future-ready workforce while nurturing their entrepreneurship and technological skills.
Through this pioneering initiative, 10,000 ATLs have been set up across 35 States and Union Territories in India, made possible through government grants. The primary objective is to create an innovative learning environment where students can harness the power of advanced technology tools such as 3D printing, the Internet of Things, robotics, miniaturized electronics, space technology, drones, and technology-inspired textiles.
The ATL’s “Hubs n Space” strategy is designed to foster an atmosphere of practical learning experiences and regular training sessions. The lab will serve as a hub for students from nearby government schools, providing them with a platform to conduct experiments and explore their innovative ideas.
One of the standout features of the ATL initiative is the identification and nurturing of children with exceptional potential. Through the Student Innovation Program and the ATL Marathon, these bright minds will receive mentorship opportunities, preparing them to compete in national and regional contests. The aim is to instill a lifelong love of learning and innovation, ultimately contributing to the growth and development of the nation’s young talents in the field of science and technology.