Over 21 Lakh Applications Flood PM Vishwakarma Scheme: Tailors, Masons, Carpenters Lead the Charge

Over 21 Lakh Applications Flood PM Vishwakarma Scheme: Tailors, Masons, Carpenters Lead the Charge

The PM Vishwakarma Scheme, launched by the Central Government on September 17th, has garnered a remarkable response with over 21.15 lakh applications received within just two and a half months, according to data from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). This transformative initiative aims to uplift and enhance the skills of artisans and craftspeople across the country, offering them a path towards improving their livelihoods.

The overwhelming response highlights the significant demand for skill development programs among India’s traditional artisan communities. The highest number of applications (43%) originated from tailors (darzis), followed by masons (mistris) at 22%, carpenters (suthars) at 9%, and basket makers and barbers (naais) at 4% each. Notably, major contributions came from states like Karnataka (6.28 lakh), West Bengal (4.04 lakh), Assam (1.83 lakh), Uttar Pradesh (1.53 lakh), and Andhra Pradesh (1.21 lakh).

The scheme offers a comprehensive package of support, including:

  • Skill Upgradation Training: Tailored programs to enhance existing skills and introduce new techniques in various traditional crafts.
  • Market Linkage Support: Connecting artisans with potential buyers and facilitating market access for their products.
  • Incentives for Digital Transactions: Encouraging adoption of digital technologies for financial transactions and business operations.
  • Basic and Advanced Skilling Programs: Cater to different levels of expertise and offer a stipend of Rs. 500 per day to trainees.

The PM Vishwakarma Scheme holds immense potential to empower India’s artisan communities and contribute to the country’s economic growth. With its focus on skill development and market access, the scheme paves the way for a brighter future for millions of individuals engaged in traditional crafts and helps preserve India’s rich cultural heritage.