Panchkula Residents Take Up River’s Cause: “Fight for Ghaggar’s Rights”

Panchkula Residents Take Up River’s Cause: “Fight for Ghaggar’s Rights”

Fed up with inaction by authorities, residents of Trans Ghaggar in Panchkula have taken it upon themselves to fight for the rights of the polluted Ghaggar river. Marking Human Rights Day on Sunday, they organized a cleanliness drive at the Chatt Puja Ghat, highlighting the river’s plight through action.

The volunteers, young and old, found a disturbing sight: a large amount of discarded medicines and other waste dumped on the riverbank. This fueled their determination to raise awareness among the public and hold polluters accountable.

Disillusioned by the lack of response from authorities, residents have visited various departments, including the municipal corporation, the Haryana Urban Development Authority, and the irrigation department. However, each department deflects responsibility, claiming the issue falls under another jurisdiction.

Undeterred, the residents vow to continue their fight for the Ghaggar. They plan to organize more awareness drives, engage with the media, and potentially pursue legal action. Their goal is simple: to see the Ghaggar restored to its former glory, flowing clean and free for the benefit of all.

The residents’ initiative serves as a powerful example of community action for environmental protection. It highlights the crucial role citizens can play in holding authorities accountable and driving positive change. As they continue their “Fight for Ghaggar’s Rights,” their efforts inspire hope for a cleaner, healthier future for the river and the communities it sustains.