PM Modi Chairs 8th Governing Council Meeting of NITI Aayog, Emphasizes “Team India” Approach for a Developed Nation by 2047

PM Modi Chairs 8th Governing Council Meeting of NITI Aayog, Emphasizes "Team India" Approach for a Developed Nation by 2047
PM Modi Chairs 8th Governing Council Meeting of NITI Aayog, Emphasizes "Team India" Approach for a Developed Nation by 2047

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his role as the Chairperson of NITI Aayog, led the 8th Governing Council Meeting, a platform that brings together central and state leaders to deliberate on important policy matters and chart the course for India’s development. The meeting witnessed a vibrant exchange of ideas, emphasizing the need for a collective “Team India” effort to realize the vision of a developed nation by the year 2047, marking the centenary of India’s independence.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Modi stressed the importance of cooperative federalism, highlighting the significance of close collaboration between the central and state governments. He emphasized that a unified approach, with states as equal stakeholders, is crucial for effective policy implementation and achieving the desired outcomes for the nation’s progress.

The meeting focused on several key policy issues, including agriculture, health, education, infrastructure, and technology-driven governance. Deliberations revolved around identifying challenges, exploring innovative solutions, and formulating strategies to accelerate inclusive and sustainable growth in these sectors. Prime Minister Modi reiterated the government’s commitment to people-centric development, ensuring that the benefits of progress reach every citizen, particularly the marginalized and vulnerable sections of society.

The importance of leveraging technology and digital infrastructure for efficient service delivery and transparent governance was also emphasized. Prime Minister Modi highlighted the transformative potential of digital platforms in various sectors, from healthcare to education, and stressed the need to harness technological advancements for the betterment of the nation and its people.

In his address, the Prime Minister encouraged states to actively participate in policy formulation, sharing their best practices and experiences. He called for greater synergy between the central and state governments, fostering a spirit of healthy competition and collaboration, which will spur development at an accelerated pace.

Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed the government’s commitment to sustainable development, highlighting the need for environment-friendly initiatives and responsible resource management. He emphasized the significance of addressing climate change, promoting renewable energy, and adopting eco-friendly practices to build a greener and more resilient India.

The 8th Governing Council Meeting of NITI Aayog served as a platform for fruitful discussions, enabling leaders to chart a roadmap for India’s progress in the coming years. The emphasis on a “Team India” approach, with the central and state governments working together, reflects the government’s vision for inclusive and balanced development across all regions of the country.

The meeting concluded with a renewed commitment to implementing transformative initiatives and policies that will pave the way for India’s journey towards becoming a developed nation by 2047. By fostering collaboration, harnessing technology, and prioritizing the welfare of its citizens, India aims to achieve holistic and sustainable development, elevating the lives of every Indian and securing a brighter future for the nation.