In a significant ceremony taking place on July 18, 2023, the President of India will grant the distinguished “Bhoomi Samman” awards at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. These awards will be bestowed upon 9 State Secretaries and 68 District Collectors, along with their respective teams, in recognition of their remarkable accomplishments in the implementation of the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), which stands as a vital component of effective governance.
The Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) holds great significance as the cornerstone of governance. Shri Giriraj Singh, the Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, emphasized the event’s importance for Revenue and Registration functionaries, who, for the first time in 75 years, will be honored with the “Bhoomi Samman” award for their outstanding performance.
Shri Giriraj Singh commended the “Bhoomi Samman” Scheme as a prime example of cooperative federalism between the Central and State governments, built on trust and partnership. The grading system for the awards primarily relies on reports and inputs provided by the States/Union Territories regarding the computerization and digitization of land records.
The digitization process of land records and registration is expected to alleviate the backlog of court cases related to land disputes, thereby reducing the loss of GDP caused by project delays due to litigation over land issues.
Emphasizing the significance of land records information, Shri Giriraj Singh highlighted its role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of various government programs. Departments such as Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Chemical and Fertilizer, Public Distribution System (PDS), Panchayati Raj, and Financial Institutions can benefit from the standardized and interoperable nature of land records information.
The Department of Land Resources has achieved a commendable 94% digitization target nationwide. The objective is to achieve complete saturation of the core components of land records digitization in all districts of the country by March 31, 2024, setting a milestone in the journey towards a digitally empowered governance system.