The legendary PT Usha is set to become the first woman President of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) as she emerged as the lone candidate for the top post for the December 10 elections. The 58-year-old Usha, a multiple Asian Games gold medallist and a fourth-place finisher at the 1984 Olympics 400m hurdles final, filed her nomination papers for the top job, along with 14 others from her team for various posts.
Usha will also become the first Olympian and first international medallist to head the IOA in its 95-year-old history. It will also add another feather to her cap after dominating Indian and Asian athletics for two decades before retiring in 2000 with a bagful of international medals.
Ajay Patel of the National Rifle Association of India is set to be the Senior Vice-President as he is also the lone candidate for the post.