Reconsidering Heatwaves: Implications for Disaster Management in India

Reconsidering Heatwaves: Implications for Disaster Management in India

The ongoing discussion about including heatwaves as one of the notified disasters under the Disaster Management (DM) Act, 2005, has brought attention to the need for better management strategies for extreme heat events.

Provisions of the Disaster Management Act

If heatwaves are included as a notified disaster, states will be able to utilize their disaster response funds to provide compensation, relief, and conduct various activities for managing the aftermath of heatwaves. Currently, states must use their own funds for such purposes.

Current Status of the Disaster Management Act

The DM Act defines a disaster as a catastrophe arising from natural or man-made causes beyond the community’s coping capacity. Presently, there are 12 categories of disasters notified under the Act, but heatwaves are not included.

Financing Disaster Response

The Act establishes two funds: the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) at the national level and the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) at the state level. While the central government finances the NDRF entirely, states contribute to the SDRF. These funds can only be used for managing notified disasters.

Heatwaves: Increasing Severity and Frequency

Over the past 15 years, both the severity and frequency of heatwaves in India have increased. Economic activities have exposed more people to the risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths, particularly in vulnerable states and cities.

Heat Action Plans and Financial Challenges

Several states and cities have developed heat action plans (HAPs) to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat. However, funding from the SDRF for these plans has been inadequate, leading to demands for including heatwaves as a notified disaster.

Government Response and Financial Implications

While some states have designated heatwaves as local disasters using an enabling provision, the central government has resisted notifying them as national disasters due to potential financial implications. Providing compensation for heatwave-related deaths could strain disaster response funds.

Challenges in Attributing Deaths to Heatwaves

Attributing deaths to heatwaves is challenging as most victims have pre-existing conditions exacerbated by extreme heat. Unlike other disasters, identifying heatwave-related deaths is complex and may not be directly attributable to heat.

Impact on Disaster Response Funds

The fear is that including heatwaves and other local disasters in the notified list may strain disaster response funds allocated by the Finance Commission to states, potentially affecting their ability to respond to various disasters over the allocated period.

Potential Benefits of Inclusion

Despite challenges, designating heatwaves as notified disasters can lead to better management strategies, improved reporting of heat-related illnesses and deaths, and increased awareness among authorities to mitigate the impacts of heatwaves.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the main purpose of including heatwaves as notified disasters under the Disaster Management Act?
    a) To provide financial compensation to states
    b) To allow states to utilize disaster response funds for heatwave management
    c) To increase government control over disaster response activities
    d) To restrict the allocation of funds for other disasters
    Answer: b) To allow states to utilize disaster response funds for heatwave management
  2. Which fund allows states to draw money for disaster management activities at the state level?
    a) National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF)
    b) State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)
    c) Disaster Relief Fund (DRF)
    d) Emergency Response Fund (ERF)
    Answer: b) State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)
  3. What is the main reason for the central government’s reluctance to include heatwaves as national disasters?
    a) Lack of awareness about heatwave impacts
    b) Potential financial implications
    c) Difficulty in attributing deaths to heatwaves
    d) Opposition from state governments
    Answer: b) Potential financial implications
  4. How do heat action plans (HAPs) aim to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat?
    a) By providing financial compensation to heatwave victims
    b) By creating shaded spaces and ensuring availability of cool water
    c) By enforcing strict regulations on outdoor activities during heatwaves
    d) By relocating vulnerable populations to cooler regions
    Answer: b) By creating shaded spaces and ensuring availability of cool water