Revolutionizing School Assessments: Introduction of Holistic Progress Cards

Revolutionizing School Assessments: Introduction of Holistic Progress Cards

The National Council for Educational and Research Training (NCERT) is introducing a new assessment tool called the Holistic Progress Card (HPC) to replace traditional report cards. The HPC aims to measure various aspects of a student’s development beyond just academic performance.

Development of the Holistic Progress Card

The HPC has been devised by the Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH), a body under NCERT, for different stages of schooling as per the suggestions of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Key Features of the Holistic Progress Card

  • 360-Degree Evaluation: The HPC moves away from relying solely on marks or grades and adopts a comprehensive evaluation approach.
  • Active Learning Assessment: Students are assessed through active participation in class activities, demonstrating various skills and competencies.
  • Student Self-Assessment: Students have the opportunity to evaluate their own performance as well as that of their peers, fostering self-awareness and responsibility.
  • Parental Involvement: Parents’ inputs on their child’s progress, including homework completion and classroom participation, are incorporated into the report card.

Implementation and Adoption

After its development, the HPC was sent to all states and Union Territories, with several already implementing it in accordance with regional requirements.

Alignment with Educational Reforms

The introduction of the HPC aligns with the NEP 2020’s focus on building students’ self-awareness and critical thinking skills, moving away from rote memorization towards competency-based evaluation.

Assessment Methodology

The HPC emphasizes assessing higher-order skills such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity through various classroom activities recommended by the National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCF SE).

Shift in Assessment Paradigm

The HPC represents a shift from summative to formative assessment, aiming to provide a more holistic evaluation of students’ progress and facilitate targeted support from teachers and parents.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What is the purpose of introducing the Holistic Progress Card (HPC) by NCERT?
    • A) To focus solely on academic performance.
    • B) To measure various aspects of a student’s development.
    • C) To eliminate student assessments altogether.
    • D) To increase competition among students.
    Answer: B) To measure various aspects of a student’s development.
  2. Who devised the Holistic Progress Card (HPC) under NCERT?
    • A) National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCF SE).
    • B) National Council for Educational and Research Training (NCERT).
    • C) Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH).
    • D) National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
    Answer: C) Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH).
  3. What is a key feature of the HPC regarding student assessment?
    • A) It relies solely on numerical grades.
    • B) It excludes parental involvement.
    • C) It encourages student self-assessment.
    • D) It prohibits peer evaluation.
    Answer: C) It encourages student self-assessment.