Revolutionizing Single Cell Studies: C-CAMP Introduces OptiDrop Platform

Revolutionizing Single Cell Studies: C-CAMP Introduces OptiDrop Platform

The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) in Bengaluru has developed a groundbreaking platform known as OptiDrop, aimed at facilitating the study of single cells. This advancement is anticipated to have significant implications across various fields, including diagnostics, therapeutics, agriculture, and animal health.

About C-CAMP

C-CAMP, an initiative of the Department of Biotechnology under the Indian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Earth Sciences, was established in 2009. It stands as one of India’s foremost biosciences research and innovation hubs.

Publication of Findings

The findings concerning the OptiDrop platform were recently published in the journal Nature Microsystems and Nanoengineering, showcasing its potential impact and effectiveness.

Understanding Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry serves as a vital method for analyzing the characteristics of cells or particles. It involves suspending cells or particles in fluid and subjecting them to analysis within a specialized machine.

Features and Advantages of OptiDrop

OptiDrop offers several distinct advantages, including affordability, live data visualization, smaller data footprint, and a “closed system design.” These features make it a promising benchtop technology for numerous clinical applications.

Potential Applications

OptiDrop’s versatility opens doors to a myriad of applications. It can be utilized for studying the impact of individual cells during drug screenings, environmental monitoring (e.g., water contamination detection), sorting CAR-T cells in immuno-oncotherapeutics, selecting CRISPR-modified single cells, and identifying high-efficiency clones in single-cell genomics.

Insights from C-CAMP CEO

Taslimarif Saiyed, CEO and Director of C-CAMP and one of the lead authors of the paper, emphasizes the game-changing potential of OptiDrop. He highlights its ability to overcome limitations associated with traditional flow cytometers, such as high costs and bulkiness.

Cost-Efficiency of OptiDrop

While conventional cytometers can be prohibitively expensive, with costs ranging up to several crores, C-CAMP anticipates that the OptiDrop setup will be more cost-efficient, with an estimated cost of around Rs 10 lakh depending on specific requirements.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the name of the platform developed by C-CAMP for studying single cells?
    • A) OptiCell
    • B) OptiScreen
    • C) OptiDrop
    • D) OptiTech
    • Answer: C) OptiDrop
  2. Which department initiated the establishment of C-CAMP?
    • A) Department of Agriculture
    • B) Department of Biotechnology
    • C) Department of Health
    • D) Department of Chemistry
    • Answer: B) Department of Biotechnology
  3. In which journal were the findings regarding the OptiDrop platform published?
    • A) Nature Cell Biology
    • B) Nature Microsystems and Nanoengineering
    • C) Science Advances
    • D) Journal of Molecular Biology
    • Answer: B) Nature Microsystems and Nanoengineering
  4. What is the primary method used for analyzing the characteristics of cells or particles?
    • A) Optical microscopy
    • B) Electron microscopy
    • C) Flow cytometry
    • D) Immunohistochemistry
    • Answer: C) Flow cytometry
  5. According to the CEO of C-CAMP, what is one of the significant advantages of OptiDrop over traditional flow cytometers?
    • A) Higher resolution images
    • B) Lower sample volume requirements
    • C) Larger data footprint
    • D) Decreased affordability
    • Answer: B) Lower sample volume requirements
  6. What is the estimated cost of the OptiDrop setup according to C-CAMP?
    • A) Rs 40 lakhs
    • B) Rs 1 crore
    • C) Rs 5 lakhs
    • D) Rs 10 lakhs
    • Answer: D) Rs 10 lakhs