Russia Introduces E-Visa Facility for Indian Travelers: A Hassle-Free Entry Option

Russia Introduces E-Visa Facility for Indian Travelers: A Hassle-Free Entry Option
Russia Introduces E-Visa Facility for Indian Travelers: A Hassle-Free Entry Option

Russia has introduced an innovative e-visa solution catering to Indian travelers, offering a seamless alternative to the conventional visa acquisition process. This new system, effective from August 1, revolutionizes entry to the country, granting convenience to Indian visitors and citizens of 54 other nations by bypassing the complexities of embassy and consulate visits.

To avail the e-visa, applicants are required to complete an online application via the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The application must be submitted within a timeframe of at least 40 days and no later than 4 days before the intended travel date. Necessary documentation includes a digital passport photo and a scanned copy of the passport’s information page.

Upon issuance, the e-visa remains valid for 60 days from its date of approval and permits a stay in Russia for a maximum duration of 16 days. The associated cost for this e-visa is USD 35. For travelers desiring an extension, the option is available to apply for an additional 10 days through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The status of your application can be in one of several stages:

  1. Partial completion or not yet sent for processing.
  2. Consular fee payment pending or not yet processed.
  3. Application under processing.
  4. Incorrect information identified during application processing; corrections must be made before resubmission.
  5. Decision made on your application.

Upon approval, successful applicants will receive an email containing a link to download their e-visa. It is imperative to print out the e-visa and present it to immigration officials upon entering Russia.

Key Information About Russia:

  • Capital: Moscow
  • President: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
  • Currency: Russian Ruble
  • Prime Minister: Mikhail Mishustin