Russian Peacekeepers Begin Withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh

Russian Peacekeepers Begin Withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh

In a significant development, Russian peacekeepers have initiated their withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh, marking a crucial transition in the post-conflict landscape of the region. This withdrawal is in accordance with the agreements made between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia subsequent to the cessation of hostilities in November 2020.


The deployment of Russian peacekeepers was a pivotal aspect of the ceasefire agreement facilitated by Moscow, which aimed to bring an end to the violent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory. Since their deployment, Russian troops have played a vital role in maintaining a fragile peace, overseeing the implementation of ceasefire terms, and aiding humanitarian efforts in the region.


While the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers signifies progress towards normalizing the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, it also raises concerns regarding the potential resurgence of tensions in the absence of international monitoring forces. Nevertheless, the Kremlin has assured that the withdrawal process will be carefully coordinated to safeguard the security and stability of the region.

Post-Withdrawal Phase:

With the departure of Russian peacekeepers, a new phase begins in the post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Nagorno-Karabakh. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan are now tasked with the responsibility of upholding peace and stability in the region. As the international community closely observes these developments, the successful withdrawal of Russian forces could open avenues for additional diplomatic initiatives aimed at achieving a lasting resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What recent development has occurred in Nagorno-Karabakh?
    • A) Deployment of Russian peacekeepers
    • B) Initiation of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    • C) Withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers
    • D) Signing of a new ceasefire agreement
      Answer: C) Withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers
  2. Which country facilitated the ceasefire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan?
    • A) Turkey
    • B) United States
    • C) Russia
    • D) Iran
      Answer: C) Russia
  3. What role did Russian peacekeepers play in Nagorno-Karabakh?
    • A) Fueling conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    • B) Overseeing implementation of ceasefire terms
    • C) Providing military support to Armenia
    • D) Negotiating territorial boundaries
      Answer: B) Overseeing implementation of ceasefire terms
  4. What concerns are raised by the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers?
    • A) Economic instability
    • B) Humanitarian crisis
    • C) Potential resurgence of tensions
    • D) Political unrest
      Answer: C) Potential resurgence of tensions
  5. What task lies ahead for Armenia and Azerbaijan post the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers?
    • A) Rebuilding infrastructure
    • B) Upholding peace and stability
    • C) Seeking international aid
    • D) Redrawing territorial boundaries
      Answer: B) Upholding peace and stability