On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, Dinesh Khara, Chairman, State Bank Group, announced the launch of the 4th phase of the ‘SBI Gram Seva’ program, adopting 30 remote villages across Aspirational Districts in Haryana, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal.
SBI Gram Seva
Commemorating Gandhiji’s vision of Gram Swaraj, SBI Gram Seva was launched in 2017 to build and develop an Atmanirbhar Rural India. It is one of the flagship programs of the SBI Foundation, the CSR arm of the State Bank Group.
The program emphasizes on holistic development of villages by active intervention in areas like education, healthcare, livelihoods, and infrastructure. The program has so far adopted 100 villages across 16 States in 3 phases.
With the support of partner NGOs, SBI Foundation has been able to bring socio-economic transformation in these villages, impacting more than one lakh lives.
State Bank of India (SBI)
State Bank of India (SBI) is an Indian multinational public sector bank and financial services statutory body headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is a public sector bank and the largest bank in India. It is also the fifth largest employer in India with nearly 250,000 employees. On 14 September 2022, State Bank of India became the third lender (after HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank) and seventh Indian company to cross the ₹ 5-trillion market capitalisation on the Indian stock exchanges for the first time.