Seafarer Day 2022

Seafarer Day 2022

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is celebrating Seafarer Day today. It is celebrated on the 25 of June each year to pay respect to Seafarers and sailors who help the entire world function by conducting sea transport.

The theme of this year is ‘Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future. The theme seeks to increase the visibility of seafarers by drawing attention to the invaluable role they play now and will continue to play in the future.

The day was proposed by International Maritime Organization in 2010 to celebrate the contribution of the seafarer to the world economy and civil society. Day of the Seafarer recognizes the invaluable contribution of seafarers to the worldwide commerce and economic system.

Almost 90 per cent of the world’s goods trade are transported by ships and behind these ships are the seafarers who work relentlessly to ensure the smooth flow of trade via water. The day honours their contributions and is celebrated to show reverence to them.