State-Owned BSNL Initiates Rs 65,000 Crore Tender for BharatNet Phase-III Project

State-Owned BSNL Initiates Rs 65,000 Crore Tender for BharatNet Phase-III Project

State-owned BSNL has initiated the BharatNet phase-III project with a substantial tender of around Rs 65,000 crore. This project is part of the larger Rs 1.4 trillion revamped BharatNet initiative aimed at upgrading existing telecom infrastructure and expanding connectivity to rural areas.


The primary objectives of the BharatNet phase-III project include:

  1. Connecting and upgrading existing 164,000 gram panchayats.
  2. Connecting around 47,000 gram panchayats under a new model.
  3. Generating additional revenue streams for telecom equipment companies.

Tender Details

  • Scope: The tender encompasses the design, supply, construction, and installation of optical fibre cables, switches, routers, and other telecom equipment.
  • Participants: Companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, TCS, and local players like STL, Tejas Networks are expected to bid either individually or in consortium.
  • Operation and Maintenance: Selected companies will be responsible for operating and maintaining the network in gram panchayats for a period of 10 years.

Bidding Process

  • Consultation: BSNL has consulted extensively with over 280 industry stakeholders before rolling out the tender.
  • Geographical Coverage: Bids are invited across 16 states and UTs, divided into packages and categories.
  • Qualification Criteria: Bidders must meet specific financial and technical requirements outlined in the tender document.
  • Eligibility for Domestic Players: Domestic players have been granted reduced eligibility requirements to encourage their participation.


  • Submission Deadline: Companies can submit their bids until April 2.
  • Clarification Deadline: The last date to seek any clarification is March 4.
  • Bid Opening: The tender bids will be opened on April 3.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary objective of the BharatNet phase-III project?
    • A) Upgrading urban telecom infrastructure.
    • B) Connecting rural gram panchayats.
    • C) Establishing international telecom partnerships.
    • D) Enhancing satellite communication networks.
    Answer: B) Connecting rural gram panchayats.
  2. Who are the potential participants in the BharatNet phase-III project?
    • A) Only state-owned telecom companies.
    • B) Foreign telecom equipment companies exclusively.
    • C) Domestic and foreign telecom equipment companies.
    • D) Startups and small-scale enterprises.
    Answer: C) Domestic and foreign telecom equipment companies.
  3. What is the duration for which selected companies will operate and maintain the network in gram panchayats?
    • A) 5 years
    • B) 8 years
    • C) 10 years
    • D) 15 years
    Answer: C) 10 years
  4. What is the deadline for bid submission in the BharatNet phase-III project?
    • A) March 4
    • B) April 2
    • C) April 3
    • D) August 15
    Answer: B) April 2
  5. How has the eligibility requirement been adjusted to encourage participation of domestic players?
    • A) Increased substantially
    • B) Remained unchanged
    • C) Reduced
    • D) Eliminated
    Answer: C) Reduced