Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya inaugurated a three-day Swasthya Chintan Shivir- Health Summit at Kevadiya in Gujarat.
The main objective of this Chintan Shivir will be a detailed discussion on various topics and policies related to the health sector and discussion on the future road map with a holistic approach.
This Swasthya Chintan Shivir is being organized as a part of the 14th Convention of the Central Council of Health and Family Welfare – CCHFW.
The Health Ministers of different States and Union Territories along with members of NITI Aayog and other senior officials are participating in this summit. It will also discuss India’s fight against COVID-19 and the Centre’s initiative on ‘Heal by India and Heal in India’.
Another significant focus area in this Swasthya Chintan Shivir is to inspire states to boost National Health Infrastructure since the budget assigned to various States and Union Territories is often seen to be under-utilized.