Taiwan to Open Third Representative Office in Mumbai, Strengthening Economic Linkages

Taiwan to Open Third Representative Office in Mumbai, Strengthening Economic Linkages
Taiwan to Open Third Representative Office in Mumbai, Strengthening Economic Linkages

Taiwan has unveiled its decision to inaugurate the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Center (TECC) in Mumbai, marking a significant milestone in bilateral relations. This expansion comes after more than a decade since Taiwan last enhanced its presence in India. The establishment of the TECC in Mumbai serves as a platform to facilitate trade, investment, and provide essential services to Taiwanese nationals, Indian businesspeople, and tourists.

Formal diplomatic relations do not exist between India and Taiwan due to India’s adherence to the One-China policy. However, both nations established de facto embassies in 1995 with the creation of the India-Taipei Association (ITA) in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center (TECC) in New Delhi. In 2012, Taiwan further solidified its presence in India by establishing the TECC in Chennai, which has since become a thriving hub for Taiwanese firms.

The decision to open a TECC in Mumbai is not solely influenced by the current India-China dynamics but holds its own compelling rationale. Ashok Kantha, former Indian Ambassador to China and Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, emphasized the shared strategic interests and critical mass between India and Taiwan in the face of evolving global and regional dynamics. Mumbai, being a major economic center in western India, presents ample opportunities for mutually beneficial trade and investment.

The previous openings of representative offices in 1995 and 2012 did not adversely impact India-China relations. India conveyed to China that these offices were not official diplomatic missions and focused primarily on fostering trade and investment linkages, acknowledging Taiwan’s economic significance as a major trading entity.

India recognizes the significance of maintaining peace and the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. Any conflict or escalated tensions in the region could have profound implications for India’s economic and national security interests. Vijay Gokhale, former Foreign Secretary, highlighted the potential impact of a blockade by China on India’s semiconductor exports, considering Taiwan’s vital role as a major producer of advanced logic chips and critical components.