The Tamil Nadu government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) for obtaining life certificate from pensioners through doorstep services of the Postal Department.
Recently, the State government issued orders for five modes of annual mustering of pensioners during July to September this year, including the doorstep services of the IPPB, for obtaining digital life certificate through Jeevan Pramaan Portal to avoid hardship of coming in person for aged pensioners/family pensioners.
As per the agreement, the IPPB would render the doorstep services at a cost of ₹70 per digital life certificate, an official release said. Over 7.15 lakh State government pensioners/ family pensioners submit their life certificate during July, August and September every year for annual mustering.
As of now, mustering can be done by pensioners/family pensioners by exercising any one of three options—direct mustering (physical appearance); submission of life certificate through post; and digital life certificate (DLC) through Jeevan Pramaan Portal by using biometric device. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, exemption from annual mustering was granted during the last two years.