Tourist Disruption in Fuji City: Measures Taken to Preserve Safety and Environment

Tourist Disruption in Fuji City: Measures Taken to Preserve Safety and Environment

Fuji City in Japan has been experiencing challenges due to an influx of tourists seeking the perfect picture of Mount Fuji. This has led to various issues within the community.

Tourist Behavior Issues

  1. Illegal Activities
    • Tourists engaging in illegal parking, littering, and creating loud noise.
    • Instances of tourists defecating in public areas.
  2. Safety Concerns
    • Tourists straying into the road, risking their safety to capture photos.
    • Damage to property due to tourists standing in the middle of traffic.
  3. Social Media Influence
    • Influence of social media on tourist behavior, with foreign influencers attracting visitors to the area.
    • Increase in tourists, especially foreigners, visiting Fuji City to capture images of the famous bridge aligned with Mount Fuji.

Solutions Implemented

  1. Installation of Barriers
    • Temporary fence stretching 400m along the road to prevent tourists from accessing dangerous areas.
    • Plans to install a permanent 1.8-meter barrier in July for long-term safety.
  2. Regulation of Mount Fuji Climbing
    • Introduction of new rules for climbing Mount Fuji to manage the number of visitors.
    • Limiting daily climbers to 4,000, with online booking and in-person slots available.
  3. Impact of Pandemic
    • Increase in tourism to Japan after pandemic border restrictions were lifted.
    • Weak yen attracting foreign visitors, contributing to the surge in tourist numbers.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What has been the primary cause of disruption in Fuji City due to tourists?
    • A) Illegal parking and littering
    • B) Natural disasters
    • C) Road maintenance
    • D) Local festivals
    • Answer: A) Illegal parking and littering
  2. What measure has Fuji City taken to prevent tourists from accessing dangerous areas?
    • A) Installing temporary fences
    • B) Hiring more security guards
    • C) Offering guided tours
    • D) Opening new tourist attractions
    • Answer: A) Installing temporary fences
  3. How has social media influenced the increase in tourists visiting Fuji City?
    • A) By promoting environmental conservation
    • B) By discouraging travel to the area
    • C) Through the influence of foreign influencers
    • D) By restricting access to tourist sites
    • Answer: C) Through the influence of foreign influencers