UAE Granted Observer Status at Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering Plenary

UAE Granted Observer Status at Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering Plenary
UAE Granted Observer Status at Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering Plenary

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by being granted observer status at the plenary of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), a prominent Financial Action Task Force-Style regional body (FSRB). This marks the first time an Arab country has been bestowed with observer status at the APG, underscoring the UAE’s unwavering commitment to international cooperation in combatting money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Leading the UAE delegation is Hamid Al Zaabi, Director-General of the Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (EO AML/CTF), accompanied by representatives from the UAE Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and other governmental authorities. The UAE’s participation in the plenary signifies its dedication to sharing knowledge, exchanging best practices, and remaining at the forefront of anti-financial crime strategies and tactics.