UN Initiative “PRAYAS” Empowers Indian Youth for Safe and Orderly Overseas Opportunities

UN Initiative “PRAYAS” Empowers Indian Youth for Safe and Orderly Overseas Opportunities

In a landmark move, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) have launched Project PRAYAS, paving the way for secure, orderly, and regular international migration for young Indian workers and students. This ambitious initiative marks a turning point in streamlining the migration process, bringing together disparate state-level efforts under one umbrella.

PRAYAS stands for “Promoting Regular Assisted Migration for Youth and Skilled Professionals,” aptly reflecting its core objective. As IOM India chief Sanjay Awasthi explains, the project will delve into key migration trends, understand the aspirations of potential migrants, and map out existing government initiatives aimed at facilitating international mobility. This comprehensive study will be shared with the MEA, paving the way for informed policy recommendations and improved coordination between central and state governments.

Speaking at the launch, Muktesh K Pardeshi, MEA Secretary (CPV&OIA), highlighted the crucial need for such coordination. With India’s working-age population expected to peak at 68.9% by 2030, and over 32 million Indians already residing abroad, efficient international migration management is imperative. PRAYAS serves as a proactive response to this demographic shift, aiming to equip young Indians with the necessary guidance and resources for a smooth transition to overseas opportunities.

Beyond data analysis and policy recommendations, PRAYAS also commits to raising awareness among aspiring migrants. Through collaborative efforts, the project will educate individuals about safe, orderly, and regular migration procedures, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future abroad.

Project PRAYAS represents a significant step forward in ensuring Indian youth are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of international migration. By promoting collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and responsible practices, this initiative promises to unlock a brighter future for young Indians seeking to pursue their dreams beyond borders.