Union Minister Shri Anurag Thakur introduced the trailer for “Krish, Trish, and Baltiboy – Bharat Hain Hum,” an animated series comprising two seasons, created through a partnership between the Central Bureau of Communication and Graphiti Studios under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. This series, featuring 52 episodes, each running for 11 minutes, delves into the stories of India’s Freedom Struggle from the 1500s to 1947, hosted by the iconic animated characters Krish, Trish, and Balti boy. The series is the brainchild of creators Munjal Shroff and Tilakraj Shetty from Graphiti Studios.
The objective of this series is to enlighten the younger generation about the significant yet lesser-known contributors to the freedom struggle, individuals who have been forgotten by the education system of the past.
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting embarked on a campaign to raise awareness among India’s children regarding the remarkable heroes of our glorious Freedom Struggle, whose sacrifices were vital for the nation.
In each episode, beloved characters Krish, Trish, and Baltiboy, well-known from the acclaimed KTB Movie series, engage in dialogues that explore the tales of these unsung heroes. This series celebrates the diverse heroes of India’s freedom struggle, spanning regions like Himanchal Pradesh, Bengal, Punjab, Kerala, and more. It transcends religious barriers and unifies the country’s faiths and beliefs.
This animated masterpiece finally gives deserving recognition to countless heroic figures like Rani Abbakka, Tilka Manjhi, Tirot Singh, Peer Ali, Tatya Tope, Kotwal Dhan Singh, Kunwar Singh (an 80-year-old freedom fighter), Rani Chennamma, Tikendra Jeet Singh, and many more, embedding them in the annals of history. Created by the talented minds of Munjal Shroff and Tilak Shetty, Season 1 of the series comprises 26 captivating episodes, each with an 11-minute animated narrative.
The series will be available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Odia, and English, as well as in French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.