United Nations Recognizes Seven Global Initiatives as World Restoration Flagships

United Nations Recognizes Seven Global Initiatives as World Restoration Flagships

The United Nations has recognized seven initiatives worldwide as World Restoration Flagships, aimed at reviving ecosystems facing degradation.

Initiatives Overview

  1. Restoring Mediterranean Forests Initiative
    • Countries Involved: Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Türkiye
    • Achievements: Protected and restored natural habitats and vulnerable ecosystems; restoration of over 2 million hectares of forests since 2017; plans for restoration of over 8 million hectares by 2030.
  2. Living Indus Initiative
    • Country: Pakistan
    • Objectives: Restore 25 million hectares of the river basin by 2030; designation of the Indus River as a living entity with rights; involvement of multiple countries including Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, India, New Zealand, Peru, and Sri Lanka.
  3. Acción Andina Social Movement
    • Location: Andean region (Peru)
    • Goals: Protect and restore one million hectares of forest area; engage 25,000 people from Andean communities in restoration efforts.
  4. Sri Lanka Mangrove Regeneration Initiative
    • Location: Sri Lanka
    • Approach: Science-driven program co-led by local communities; restoration of 500 hectares of mangroves since 2015; plans to restore 10,000 hectares by 2030.
  5. Terai Arc Landscape Initiative
    • Location: Nepal
    • Focus: Restoration of forests in critical corridors of the Terai Arc Landscape; involvement of local communities as citizen scientists, anti-poaching units, etc.; restoration of 66,800 hectares of forests in Nepal; expected support for tiger population shared by India and Nepal.
  6. Regreening Africa’s Agriculture
    • Scope: Expected to benefit over 600,000 households in Africa; aims to increase carbon storage, boost crop yields, make soil more resilient, and treat it with fixed nitrogen.
  7. Growing Forests in Africa’s Drylands Initiative
    • Objective: Expansion from 41,000 restored hectares to 229,000 hectares by 2030; involvement of African farmers; creation of 230,000 jobs.

Awards and Recognition

  • Conferred by: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN.
  • Eligibility: Technical and financial support from the UN organizations.
  • Purpose: Aligns with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, aiming to prevent, halt, and reverse ecosystem degradation.

Impact and Future Directions

  • Expected restoration: About 40 million hectares and creation of around 500,000 jobs.
  • Support to global commitments: Aims to restore one billion hectares worldwide.
  • Visionary outlook: Aligns with addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.


The initiatives mark a significant step towards global ecosystem restoration, supported by international recognition and collaboration.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Which intergovernmental organization recognized the World Restoration Flagships?
    • A) UNESCO
    • B) UNEP and FAO
    • C) WHO
    • D) WTO
    Answer: B) UNEP and FAO
  2. What is the primary goal of the Living Indus Initiative?
    • A) Restore 25 million hectares of forests in Pakistan
    • B) Restore mangroves in Sri Lanka
    • C) Protect forests in the Andean region
    • D) Restore forests in critical corridors of the Terai Arc Landscape
    Answer: A) Restore 25 million hectares of forests in Pakistan
  3. How many hectares of mangroves are planned to be restored by the Sri Lanka Mangrove Regeneration Initiative by 2030?
    • A) 500 hectares
    • B) 5,000 hectares
    • C) 10,000 hectares
    • D) 50,000 hectares
    Answer: C) 10,000 hectares
  4. Which initiative aims to benefit over 600,000 households in Africa?
    • A) Acción Andina Social Movement
    • B) Regreening Africa’s Agriculture
    • C) Growing Forests in Africa’s Drylands Initiative
    • D) Terai Arc Landscape Initiative
    Answer: B) Regreening Africa’s Agriculture