The fourth annual International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, themed “Together for Clean Air,” places a resounding call to action on the global stage. It spotlights the pressing need for strengthened partnerships, increased investments, and shared responsibility in confronting the pervasive issue of air pollution. This theme underlines not only the immediate impacts of air pollution on human and ecosystem health but also the shared duty we all bear in safeguarding the atmosphere and ensuring clean air for all.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly the entire global population—99%—inhales polluted air, making it a truly worldwide challenge. Addressing this challenge calls for collaborative efforts at the local, national, regional, and global levels. “Together for Clean Air” echoes the urgency to invest, collaborate, and contribute to cleaner air. This collective endeavor extends to collaboration with UN member states, development organizations, international and regional bodies, the private sector, and civil society, as they all play pivotal roles in the pursuit of pollution reduction and enhanced air quality.
The responsibility to cleanse our air and safeguard our health is a shared endeavor, and the dividends benefit everyone. A clean, safe, healthy, and sustainable environment, including access to clean air, forms an integral foundation for the full realization of a broad spectrum of human rights.
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly, through a resolution adopted by its Second Committee on November 26, 2019, officially designated September 7th as the “International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies.” This resolution underscores the paramount importance of raising awareness across all segments of society and promoting actions to improve air quality. Moreover, resolution 74/212, enacted on January 22, 2020, by the UN General Assembly, further emphasizes the need for continued efforts to enhance air quality and combat air pollution to protect human health. This day is a global call to action, symbolizing our shared commitment to prioritize clean air and take decisive steps toward a healthier and more sustainable future for all.