Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the newly-constructed Lata Mangeshkar Chowk in Ayodhya on the occasion of the late singer’s 93rd birth anniversary.
Paying tributes, Yogi said: “Sanatan Dharma means paying tributes to the one who gave all her life to India’s music and culture. She has sung maximum bhajans in praise of Lord Ram. Her patriotic songs were also unparalleled and are memorable. This tribute has been inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”
Lata Chowk has a 40-foot veena, a musical instrument associated with Goddess Saraswati, weighing 14 tonnes that has been installed in Ayodhya as a tribute to legendary singer. Ram Sutar, who designed the Veena, also attended the ceremony.
Lata Mangeshkar, born in 1929, died at a Mumbai hospital on February 6 this year. She won three National Awards for Best Female Playback Singer.