US, UK, and Australia Discuss Expansion of AUKUS Security Pact, Eyeing Japan’s Involvement

US, UK, and Australia Discuss Expansion of AUKUS Security Pact, Eyeing Japan’s Involvement

The United States, Britain, and Australia are initiating discussions to expand their AUKUS security pact, aiming to involve additional members, particularly Japan. This move is part of the efforts to counter China’s increasing influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

Pillar Two Expansion Talks

The Defence Ministers of the involved countries will announce discussions on “Pillar Two” of the AUKUS pact. This pillar focuses on collaborative development in areas such as quantum computing, undersea technology, hypersonic systems, artificial intelligence, and cyber technology.

Expansion Considerations

While the expansion is primarily focused on Pillar Two, there are no plans to extend Pillar One, which involves supplying nuclear-powered attack submarines to Australia.

Geostrategic Implications

The formation of AUKUS and its expansion are responses to China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific. This move is part of broader efforts by the US to bolster partnerships in the region.

Japan’s Potential Involvement

There are discussions regarding Japan’s potential inclusion as a partner under Pillar Two. This topic is likely to be discussed during President Biden’s meeting with Prime Minister Kishida in Washington.

Challenges and Considerations

However, there are obstacles to Japan’s involvement, including the need for enhanced cyber defenses and stricter regulations on safeguarding sensitive information.

Decision Making and Partnership

Decisions regarding new participants in Pillar Two will be made collectively by the existing AUKUS members based on the contributions each country can bring to the project.

Trilateral Summit

Furthermore, a trilateral summit involving the US, Japan, and the Philippines is scheduled, underscoring the broader regional dynamics and cooperation efforts.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the focus of “Pillar Two” in the AUKUS pact?
    a) Nuclear-powered submarines
    b) Quantum computing and cyber technology
    c) Missile defense systems
    d) Space exploration technology
    Answer: b) Quantum computing and cyber technology
  2. Which country is being considered for inclusion in the AUKUS pact?
    a) China
    b) India
    c) Japan
    d) Russia
    Answer: c) Japan
  3. What is a major concern regarding Japan’s potential involvement in the AUKUS pact?
    a) Economic instability
    b) Environmental regulations
    c) Cyber defense capabilities
    d) Cultural differences
    Answer: c) Cyber defense capabilities
  4. How are decisions made regarding new participants in Pillar Two of the AUKUS pact?
    a) By individual member countries
    b) By the United Nations
    c) Collectively by existing AUKUS members
    d) By a council of non-member states
    Answer: c) Collectively by existing AUKUS members
  5. What is the purpose of the trilateral summit involving the US, Japan, and the Philippines?
    a) Economic negotiations
    b) Cultural exchange programs
    c) Regional cooperation and security discussions
    d) Environmental conservation efforts
    Answer: c) Regional cooperation and security discussions