Widespread Coral Bleaching Strikes Great Barrier Reef, Experts Warn of Climate Change Impact

Widespread Coral Bleaching Strikes Great Barrier Reef, Experts Warn of Climate Change Impact

A widespread coral bleaching event has been observed in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), one of the largest coral reef systems globally, located in Australia.

Aerial Surveys and Observations

  • Aerial surveys conducted jointly by the Reef Authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) revealed bleaching over two-thirds of the GBR Marine Park.
  • Bleaching affected over 300 reefs, spanning from Cape Melville to Bundaberg.
  • Experts noted that some corals are already dying, indicating severe stress on the reef ecosystem.

Confirmation of Bleaching

  • Reef Authority Chief Scientist Roger Beeden confirmed the bleaching event, correlating it with prolonged periods of above-average sea surface temperatures.
  • The southern GBR was identified as the most affected region by coral bleaching.

Local Observations

  • Scientists from James Cook University observed elevated temperatures at Keppel Islands, with some corals already dying.
  • Climate change was highlighted as the primary threat to coral reef ecosystems.

Impact and Resilience of GBR

  • The GBR has shown resilience in recovering from past coral bleaching events and extreme weather conditions.
  • However, mass bleaching events have become more frequent, posing a significant challenge to the reef’s recovery.

Global Context

  • Coral bleaching events have been documented globally, with increasing severity and frequency attributed to climate change.
  • The recent global coral bleaching event from 2014 to 2017 remains the most extensive and damaging on record.
  • The Earth is on the brink of experiencing another global mass coral bleaching event, with high ocean temperatures persisting worldwide.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What percentage of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was affected by the recent coral bleaching event?
    • A) One-third
    • B) Two-thirds
    • C) Half
    • D) One-fourth
    • Answer: B) Two-thirds
  2. Which organization conducted aerial surveys to monitor coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef?
    • A) Australian Meteorological Bureau
    • B) Great Barrier Reef Conservation Society
    • C) Reef Authority and Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
    • D) James Cook University
    • Answer: C) Reef Authority and Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
  3. What was the primary cause of coral bleaching as highlighted by experts?
    • A) Pollution
    • B) Overfishing
    • C) Climate Change
    • D) Sedimentation
    • Answer: C) Climate Change
  4. How many coral bleaching events have been recorded in the Great Barrier Reef in the past eight years?
    • A) Three
    • B) Four
    • C) Five
    • D) Six
    • Answer: C) Five
  5. Which global organization warned about the possibility of a fourth global mass coral bleaching event?
    • A) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
    • B) World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
    • C) Coral Reef Watch programme
    • D) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    • Answer: C) Coral Reef Watch programme