WIPO Concludes Groundbreaking Treaty to Preserve Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

WIPO Concludes Groundbreaking Treaty to Preserve Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has recently concluded a groundbreaking treaty aimed at preserving biodiversity and safeguarding indigenous knowledge. This treaty represents a significant milestone in global conservation efforts.

India’s Advocacy

India played a pivotal role in advocating for provisions that protect the rights of communities and nations with rich biodiversity and traditional knowledge. Its proactive engagement emphasized equitable access to and fair benefit-sharing of genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

Framework of the Treaty

The treaty provides a comprehensive framework to tackle challenges such as biopiracy and intellectual property rights infringements. It establishes guidelines and mechanisms for documenting, protecting, and utilizing genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

Key Provisions

  1. Prior Informed Consent and Mutually Agreed Terms: The treaty emphasizes obtaining consent and agreeing on terms before accessing genetic resources or traditional knowledge, promoting transparent and mutually beneficial partnerships.
  2. Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer: Recognizing the importance of empowering developing countries, the treaty prioritizes capacity-building initiatives and technology transfer to utilize natural resources sustainably while preserving cultural heritage.

Shared Commitment

The successful conclusion of the treaty underscores WIPO member states’ shared commitment to addressing the complex intersection of intellectual property rights, biodiversity conservation, and cultural preservation.


As the international community embraces this landmark achievement, the focus now shifts towards ratification and effective implementation to realize the treaty’s transformative potential in promoting global sustainability and cultural diversity.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What organization recently concluded a groundbreaking treaty aimed at preserving biodiversity and safeguarding indigenous knowledge?
    • A) United Nations
    • B) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    • C) UNESCO
    • D) World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Answer: B) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  2. Which country stood out as a leading advocate for the inclusion of provisions protecting the rights of communities and nations possessing rich biodiversity and traditional wisdom?
    • A) Brazil
    • B) China
    • C) India
    • D) United States
    • Answer: C) India
  3. What is one of the key provisions of the treaty regarding access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge?
    • A) Payment of royalties after access
    • B) Access without consent
    • C) Prior informed consent and mutually agreed terms
    • D) No provisions for access control
    • Answer: C) Prior informed consent and mutually agreed terms
  4. What does the treaty prioritize to empower developing countries in utilizing natural resources sustainably while preserving cultural heritage?
    • A) Intellectual property enforcement
    • B) Technology transfer and capacity-building initiatives
    • C) Banning access to genetic resources
    • D) Exclusivity of access to traditional knowledge
    • Answer: B) Technology transfer and capacity-building initiatives