World Press Freedom Day is observed every year on May 3 to bring attention to the state of press freedom around the world, as well as the responsibilities and risks associated with journalism. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1993, and the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration is celebrated annually as World Press Freedom Day.
In 2023, World Press Freedom Day will mark its 30th anniversary. The theme for this year’s event is “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a Driver for All Other Human Rights”. This theme highlights the importance of freedom of expression as a fundamental right that supports the realization of all other human rights. The event will provide a platform to discuss issues related to press freedom and the role of journalism in promoting human rights and social justice.
What is the Windhoek Declaration?
The Windhoek Declaration is a set of 19 principles related to the establishment, promotion, and protection of independent, pluralistic, and free press. It was adopted on May 3, 1991, during a seminar in Windhoek, Namibia, where private African newspapers decided to cooperate to aid information exchange and share experiences through journalist exchange.
The Declaration builds on Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and stresses that a free press is essential for democracy and economic development. It also urges the international community to contribute to initiatives and projects specified under the Declaration. The Windhoek Declaration inspired a series of regional declarations promoting the independence of the press and pluralism in media, including the Alma Ata Declaration, the Santiago Declaration, the Sana’a Declaration, and the Sofia Declaration.