World Tourism Day 2023: Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Investment

World Tourism Day 2023: Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Investment
World Tourism Day 2023: Promoting Sustainable Tourism and Investment

On the global stage, September 27th marks the annual celebration of World Tourism Day, an initiative spearheaded by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). This cherished day serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact tourism has on the world. It encourages individuals to embrace the art of travel and exploration while recognizing the pivotal role tourism plays in shaping the social, political, economic, and cultural fabric of nations across the globe. Undoubtedly, tourism contributes significantly to bolstering economies and enhancing national images.

In the year 2023, the UNWTO has chosen the theme “Tourism and green investment” to underscore the necessity for thoughtful and purposeful investments that align with the Sustainable Development Goals—a blueprint for a better world by 2030 as defined by the United Nations. This theme advocates for fresh, innovative solutions in lieu of traditional investments, ones that foster economic growth and productivity while promoting environmental sustainability.

World Tourism Day is not merely an occasion for celebration; it is an opportunity to raise awareness about tourism’s transformative influence on our world. The representatives of the tourism sector in Bali are poised to lead this year’s event, with invitations extended to UNWTO member states’ representatives. This collective effort amplifies the message of World Tourism Day, demonstrating the global commitment to advancing the cause of sustainable tourism.

This annual celebration of tourism’s power and potential traces its origins back to 1980 when the first World Tourism Day was held. Since then, this day has evolved into a global observance, rotating through UNWTO’s regional offices to ensure its relevance to different parts of the world. The founding of World Tourism Day dates back to 1979, with official celebrations commencing in 1980. September 27th was chosen as the date to commemorate the adoption of the Statutes of UNWTO. Leading this international organization is Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, with its headquarters based in Madrid, Spain. Established in 1946, the UNWTO has been a steadfast advocate for the promotion of tourism worldwide.