Zero-Day Vulnerability Strikes Google Chrome, Urgent Updates Required

Zero-Day Vulnerability Strikes Google Chrome, Urgent Updates Required

Google Chrome faces a critical security issue, termed as a zero-day vulnerability, drawing attention from users and cybersecurity experts alike. This vulnerability, detected by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), poses a significant threat, warranting urgent action.

Description of Vulnerabilities

The vulnerability involves multiple flaws within Google Chrome, potentially exploitable by remote attackers. CERT-In outlines two specific vulnerabilities:

  1. Use-After-Free Error: Found in visuals and angle components of Google Chrome.
  2. Heap Buffer Overflow: Detected in WebAudio, a component of the browser.

Affected Versions

The zero-day security issue affects several versions of Google Chrome across different operating systems:

  • Versions prior to 124.0.6367.201/.202 for Windows and macOS.
  • Versions prior to 124.0.6367.201 for Linux.

Remedial Measures

Given the severity of the issue, immediate action is crucial. Users are strongly advised to update their Chrome browser to the latest version available. This can be done through the following steps:

  1. Access the Chrome menu by clicking on the three-dot icon.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Click on About Chrome.
  4. Update Chrome to the latest version if available.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What term describes the severity level of the vulnerability detected in Google Chrome?
    • A) Critical
    • B) Moderate
    • C) Low
    • D) Negligible
    • Answer: A) Critical
  2. What organization detected the zero-day vulnerability in Google Chrome?
    • A) Google
    • B) Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)
    • C) Microsoft
    • D) Apple
    • Answer: B) Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)
  3. Which component of Google Chrome is affected by the “Use-After-Free Error” vulnerability?
    • A) WebAudio
    • B) Visuals and angle components
    • C) Browser extensions
    • D) JavaScript engine
    • Answer: B) Visuals and angle components
  4. How can users update their Google Chrome browser to mitigate the security risk?
    • A) By reinstalling the browser
    • B) By disabling JavaScript
    • C) By updating to the latest available version
    • D) By using a different web browser
    • Answer: C) By updating to the latest available version