Botanical Discovery of Begonia Narahari in Arunachal Pradesh Highlights Importance of Conservation Efforts

Botanical Discovery of Begonia Narahari in Arunachal Pradesh Highlights Importance of Conservation Efforts

In a significant botanical discovery, researchers from the University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) and CSIR-Northeast Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat in Assam collaborated to identify a new flowering plant species in Arunachal Pradesh, named Begonia Narahari. This finding highlights the importance of conservation efforts amidst urban expansion and habitat loss.

Discovery and Collaboration

  • Researchers from USTM and CSIR-NEIST collaborated to identify Begonia Narahari.
  • The discovery took place in the Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Dr. Nazir Ahmad Bhat and Bipankar Hajong collected specimens under the guidance of Dr. Pankaj Bharali.

Taxonomic Identification

  • Specimens were analyzed and found to be a previously undescribed species within the genus Begonia.
  • The species, named ‘Narahari,’ honors Prof Garikapati Narahari Sastry’s contributions to the region’s welfare.

Distinctive Features

  • Begonia Narahari is distinguished by its vivid blue iridescence under direct light.
  • Currently known only from the Demwe locality in the Lohit district.

Conservation Status

  • Classified as Data Deficient (DD) following IUCN guidelines due to limited data.
  • Potential threats include agricultural expansion, habitat loss from fires, and timber extraction.


  • Highlights the rich biodiversity of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Underscores the critical role of scientific research in documenting new species.
  • Emphasizes the need for conservation measures to protect species and habitats.

Ecological Importance

  • Certain Begonia species provide habitat and sustenance for various fauna.
  • Protection of Begonia Narahari and similar species is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance.


  • Emphasizes the importance of continued exploration and conservation efforts.
  • Aims to foster greater appreciation for Northeast India’s biodiversity and the need for sustainable practices.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Who collaborated to identify Begonia Narahari?
    • A) University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) and CSIR-Northeast Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat
    • B) University of Delhi and Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
    • C) University of Cambridge and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    • D) Stanford University and University of Oxford
    Answer: A) University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM) and CSIR-Northeast Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat
  2. What distinguishes Begonia Narahari?
    • A) Its large leaves
    • B) Its vivid blue iridescence under direct light
    • C) Its strong fragrance
    • D) Its tall stem
    Answer: B) Its vivid blue iridescence under direct light
  3. Why was Begonia Narahari named ‘Narahari’?
    • A) In honor of a famous botanist
    • B) In honor of Prof Garikapati Narahari Sastry’s contributions to the region’s welfare
    • C) In honor of the region where it was discovered
    • D) In honor of the university where it was first studied
    Answer: B) In honor of Prof Garikapati Narahari Sastry’s contributions to the region’s welfare
  4. What is the current conservation status of Begonia Narahari?
    • A) Endangered
    • B) Vulnerable
    • C) Data Deficient (DD)
    • D) Critically Endangered
    Answer: C) Data Deficient (DD)
  5. What is emphasized by the discovery of Begonia Narahari?
    • A) The need for urban expansion
    • B) The importance of habitat loss
    • C) The critical role of scientific research in documenting new species
    • D) The need for deforestation
    Answer: C) The critical role of scientific research in documenting new species