Coral Reef Bleaching Threatens Biodiversity of Agatti Island

Coral Reef Bleaching Threatens Biodiversity of Agatti Island

Researchers monitoring the coral reefs surrounding Agatti Island in the Lakshadweep archipelago have observed widespread bleaching among sea anemones, indicating stress caused by rising sea temperatures. This has raised concerns about irreversible damage to the island’s underwater biodiversity.

Significance of Sea Anemones:

Sea anemones, vital components of coral reef ecosystems, provide crucial habitat and sustenance to numerous marine species. Their vibrant hues and intricate structures not only enhance the visual appeal of coral reefs but also play a pivotal role in supporting the intricate web of life underwater.

Expert Concern:

Dr. Maya Sharma, a marine biologist leading the research team, expressed deep concern over the situation, highlighting the distressing indication of the escalating impact of climate change on oceans. She emphasized the risk of losing entire ecosystems reliant on these foundational organisms.

Mechanism of Bleaching:

Bleaching occurs when environmental stressors, such as increased water temperatures or pollution, cause symbiotic algae living within coral tissues to be expelled. This loss of algae deprives the coral of its primary food source, leading to the characteristic pale or white appearance observed during bleaching events.

Call to Action:

The situation off Agatti Island underscores the urgent need for global action to mitigate climate change and safeguard marine ecosystems. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement conservation measures are crucial to preserving the rich biodiversity of coral reefs and ensuring the resilience of coastal communities reliant on healthy marine environments.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary cause of bleaching among sea anemones off Agatti Island?
    a) Pollution
    b) Rising sea temperatures
    c) Overfishing
    d) Coral diseases
    Answer: b) Rising sea temperatures
  2. Why are sea anemones considered vital components of coral reef ecosystems?
    a) They provide crucial habitat and sustenance to numerous marine species.
    b) They contribute to the structural integrity of coral reefs.
    c) They are resistant to environmental stressors.
    d) They have vibrant colors.
    Answer: a) They provide crucial habitat and sustenance to numerous marine species.
  3. What happens to coral during a bleaching event?
    a) It gains additional algae.
    b) It loses symbiotic algae.
    c) Its temperature decreases.
    d) It becomes more resilient.
    Answer: b) It loses symbiotic algae.
  4. According to Dr. Maya Sharma, what is the risk associated with the bleaching of sea anemones?
    a) Loss of individual species
    b) Loss of entire ecosystems
    c) Decline in tourism
    d) Increase in coral reef resilience
    Answer: b) Loss of entire ecosystems
  5. What action is urgently needed to address the coral reef bleaching crisis?
    a) Increase pollution in the oceans.
    b) Implement conservation measures.
    c) Overfish the coral reefs.
    d) Ignore rising sea temperatures.
    Answer: b) Implement conservation measures.