Efforts Underway to Preserve Elephant Population in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve

Efforts Underway to Preserve Elephant Population in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve

In an effort to monitor and preserve the biodiversity of Tamil Nadu’s Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve, wildlife officials have initiated a sweeping elephant census.

Location and Significance

  • The Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is located in the Erode district of Tamil Nadu.
  • It is one of the largest contiguous forest tracts in the Southern Indian state.
  • Renowned for its ecological diversity and thriving wildlife population, including the Asian elephant.

Census Methodology

  • Skilled teams equipped with advanced technology are involved.
  • Methods include camera traps, satellite tracking, and ground surveys.
  • Aims to provide accurate insights into distribution, demographics, and behavior patterns of elephants.

Collaborative Effort

  • Involves wildlife authorities, conservationists, and local communities.
  • Underlines the importance of safeguarding elephants and their habitats.


  • Enumerating elephant numbers.
  • Identifying threats like habitat loss, human-wildlife conflicts, and poaching.
  • Informing conservation strategies and decision-making.

Importance of Stakeholder Involvement

  • Collective commitment of governmental agencies and local communities is crucial.
  • Ensures long-term survival of elephants and preservation of habitats.


Through concerted conservation efforts, the Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve aims to remain a bastion of biodiversity, fostering harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Where is the Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve located?
    • A) Kerala
    • B) Karnataka
    • C) Tamil Nadu
    • D) Andhra Pradesh
    • Answer: C) Tamil Nadu
  2. What is the primary focus of the wildlife officials in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve?
    • A) Monitoring bird species
    • B) Conserving marine life
    • C) Preserving elephant population
    • D) Studying reptile habitats
    • Answer: C) Preserving elephant population
  3. Which of the following methods is NOT used in the elephant census?
    • A) Camera traps
    • B) Satellite tracking
    • C) Aerial surveys
    • D) Ground surveys
    • Answer: C) Aerial surveys
  4. What is one of the objectives of the census besides enumerating elephant numbers?
    • A) Identifying potential threats
    • B) Monitoring tiger population
    • C) Counting bird species
    • D) Tracking butterfly migration
    • Answer: A) Identifying potential threats
  5. What is emphasized as crucial for the success of conservation efforts?
    • A) Involvement of only governmental agencies
    • B) Collective commitment of stakeholders
    • C) Exclusion of local communities
    • D) Relying solely on advanced technology
    • Answer: B) Collective commitment of stakeholders