Global Resource Consumption Trends and Urgent Calls for Action

Global Resource Consumption Trends and Urgent Calls for Action

Global production and consumption of material resources have increased over the last 50 years, growing at an average rate of more than 2.3% annually. Despite this growth, it is the main driver of the triple planetary crisis, including climate change, nature loss, and pollution.

Drivers of Resource Consumption

  • Resource consumption is primarily driven by demand in upper-income countries.
  • Extraction and processing of material resources account for significant environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.

Environmental Impacts of Resource Consumption

  • Material resource extraction and processing contribute to over 55% of greenhouse gas emissions and 40% of particulate matter pollution.
  • Agriculture and forestry-related activities are responsible for 90% of land-related biodiversity loss and water stress, as well as a third of greenhouse gas emissions.

Future Projections

  • Resource exploitation could increase by almost 60% from 2020 levels by 2060, far exceeding what is necessary to meet essential human needs.

Global Resource Inequality

  • Upper middle-income countries have significantly increased resource consumption in the past 50 years, exacerbating global inequality.
  • Low-income countries consume significantly fewer resources but experience disproportionate environmental impacts.

Launch of Report and Urgent Recommendations

  • The report titled “Global Resources Outlook 2024 – Bend the trend: Pathways to a Liveable Planet as Resource Use Spikes” was launched on March 1, 2024, at the Sixth United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA-6).
  • Urges for resource efficiency, supportive policies, and dramatic reductions in environmental impacts to improve well-being and economic growth, particularly in the Global South.

Quotes and Insights

  • UNEP Executive Director emphasizes the potential for drastic reductions in resource use to address inequalities and environmental challenges.
  • Deputy President of UNEA-6 stresses the need for balancing resource consumption to improve quality of life.
  • Co-chair of IRP highlights the wasteful and unjust nature of current resource consumption and calls for bold policy action.

Recommendations for Action

  • Emphasizes the importance of circular, resource-efficient business models and supportive regulations to stem consumption.
  • Calls for urgent action to embed resources in multilateral environmental agreements and define sustainable resource use paths.

Importance of the Report

  • Provides comprehensive analysis and outlook on global resource use, highlighting its impacts on climate change, nature loss, and pollution.
  • Offers pathways to maintain economic growth, reduce inequalities, and mitigate environmental impacts.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What has been the average annual growth rate of global production and consumption of material resources over the last 50 years?
    • A) Less than 1%
    • B) Approximately 2.3%
    • C) More than 5%
    • D) Constant
    Answer: B) Approximately 2.3%
  2. What percentage of greenhouse gas emissions is attributed to the extraction and processing of material resources?
    • A) Less than 20%
    • B) Around 40%
    • C) Over 70%
    • D) Approximately 55%
    Answer: D) Approximately 55%
  3. What proportion of land-related biodiversity loss and water stress is caused by the extraction and processing of agricultural crops and forestry products?
    • A) 50%
    • B) 75%
    • C) 90%
    • D) 25%
    Answer: C) 90%
  4. How much could resource exploitation increase from 2020 levels by 2060, according to projections?
    • A) Approximately 20%
    • B) Over 60%
    • C) Nearly 40%
    • D) Almost 60%
    Answer: D) Almost 60%
  5. What was the main focus of the report “Global Resources Outlook 2024 – Bend the trend: Pathways to a Liveable Planet as Resource Use Spikes”?
    • A) Urging for reductions in global population growth
    • B) Advocating for increased industrial production
    • C) Highlighting pathways to address resource consumption and its impacts
    • D) Promoting consumerism and materialism
    Answer: C) Highlighting pathways to address resource consumption and its impacts