IEA’s Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) Making Strides Towards Global Net-Zero Energy System

IEA’s Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) Making Strides Towards Global Net-Zero Energy System

The Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) is a flagship initiative of the International Energy Agency (IEA), aimed at accelerating progress towards a global net-zero energy system. Launched in 2017 at the IEA Ministerial, the programme leverages the Agency’s expertise, insights, and influence to support ambitious reorientation of global energy systems.

Pillars of Activity

  1. Establishment of Clean Energy Transition Goals
    • Focuses on assisting emerging and developing countries in setting clean energy transition goals aligned with the objectives of the 2015 Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
  2. Coordination Among Multilateral Organizations
    • Centred on facilitating coordination among organizations such as the Group of 20 (G20) and UN-affiliated collaborations to enhance clean energy transition efforts.
  3. Global-Level Enablement and Acceleration
    • Showcases the IEA’s global-level work to enable and accelerate clean energy transitions, particularly in emerging markets and developing economies.

Achievements Highlighted in the CETP Annual Report 2023

  • Announcement of new fuel standards for trucks in Indonesia.
  • Implementation of the Energy Transition Plan in Uganda.
  • Establishment of regulations for the spot electricity market in China.
  • Publication of the IEA’s first Latin America Energy Outlook.
  • Release of a World Energy Outlook Special Report on universal access to clean cooking in Africa.
  • Annual updates of the World Energy Investment and World Energy Employment reports.

Support Provided by CETP

  • Assistance in the IEA’s strategic work on energy efficiency, critical minerals, energy employment, and clean energy investment.
  • Contribution to improving energy data collection and capacity development among policymakers in partner countries.
  • Facilitation of the IEA’s engagement with global energy dialogues, including outcomes from G20, G7, and ASEAN Ministerial meetings.
  • Support for the IEA’s involvement in COP28 and its action plan, leading to the first-ever global agreement on 1.5°C-aligned energy transitions in the Global Stocktake outcome.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary objective of the Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP)?
    • A) Accelerating progress towards global energy dominance.
    • B) Supporting emerging and developing countries in clean energy transitions.
    • C) Enhancing fossil fuel production in developed countries.
    • D) Promoting energy inequality among nations.
    • Answer: B) Supporting emerging and developing countries in clean energy transitions.
  2. Which of the following is not a pillar of activity within the CETP?
    • A) Establishment of clean energy transition goals.
    • B) Coordination among multilateral organizations.
    • C) Promotion of fossil fuel extraction.
    • D) Global-level enablement and acceleration.
    • Answer: C) Promotion of fossil fuel extraction.
  3. What was a notable achievement highlighted in the CETP Annual Report 2023?
    • A) Establishment of regulations for the spot electricity market in India.
    • B) Publication of the IEA’s first Africa Energy Outlook.
    • C) Implementation of the Energy Transition Plan in Thailand.
    • D) Announcement of new fuel standards for trucks in Indonesia.
    • Answer: D) Announcement of new fuel standards for trucks in Indonesia.