India Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC) to Spearhead India’s Global Semiconductor Leadership

India Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC) to Spearhead India's Global Semiconductor Leadership
India Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC) to Spearhead India's Global Semiconductor Leadership

India is poised to become a global leader in semiconductor research and innovation, with the establishment of the India Semiconductor Research Center (ISRC). The ISRC, envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will focus on advanced semiconductor processes, packaging, compound semiconductors, and Fabless design and EDA tools.

The ISRC’s strategic roadmap, outlined in a recent report by the India Semiconductor R&D Committee, aims to bridge the gap between research and manufacturing, facilitating the seamless transfer of innovations from the laboratory to fabrication. The ISRC will invest strategically, concentrating on achievable technology nodes and fostering collaborations with global research centers, academia, and industry.

The ISRC’s vision is to transform India’s academic institutions into globally competitive entities, attracting global companies to invest and collaborate in India. Ultimately, this vision aims to establish India as a global foundry supplier for semiconductors, packaging, and integrated systems, from design to products.

The ISRC is a significant stride towards realizing India’s semiconductor ambitions and will have a profound impact on its young scientists, researchers, and startups. Over the next four to five years, the ISRC aims to become a global leader in semiconductor research and innovation.