India to Host ASEAN Countries Conference on Traditional Medicines

India to Host ASEAN Countries Conference on Traditional Medicines
India to Host ASEAN Countries Conference on Traditional Medicines

India will be hosting a notable conference on traditional medicines, bringing together representatives from ASEAN countries to foster knowledge sharing and collaboration in this field. The conference aims to promote the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices related to traditional medicine systems that are prevalent in India and the ASEAN region.

Traditional medicine has been an integral part of healthcare in India and ASEAN countries for centuries, with rich knowledge and practices passed down through generations. By organizing this conference, India aims to provide a platform for ASEAN countries to showcase their traditional medicine systems and learn from each other’s experiences. The event will facilitate discussions on various aspects, including research and development, standardization, regulation, quality control, and commercialization of traditional medicines.

The conference will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, technical sessions, and exhibitions where participating countries can showcase their traditional medicine products, practices, and advancements. The discussions will cover topics such as the preservation of traditional knowledge, sustainable use of medicinal plants, the integration of traditional medicine with modern healthcare systems, and the potential of traditional medicine in addressing public health challenges.

India’s hosting of this conference highlights its commitment to promoting regional cooperation and collaboration in the healthcare sector. It recognizes the significance of traditional medicine in addressing health and wellness needs and seeks to strengthen ties among ASEAN countries in this domain. The conference will provide a valuable platform for participants to exchange knowledge, forge partnerships, and explore opportunities for joint research and development in traditional medicine.

The conference on traditional medicines with ASEAN countries reaffirms India’s position as a leader in traditional medicine practices and showcases its willingness to collaborate with neighboring nations to further enhance the understanding and utilization of traditional medicine systems. The event is expected to pave the way for greater regional cooperation in healthcare, leading to improved access to safe, effective, and affordable traditional medicines for the well-being of people across the ASEAN region.