Indian Oil Corporation Expands Commercial LPG Presence with Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

Indian Oil Corporation Expands Commercial LPG Presence with Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor
Indian Oil Corporation Expands Commercial LPG Presence with Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOC), a key player in the oil and gas domain, is embarking on a robust expansion in the commercial and industrial LPG arena. A significant stride in this direction is witnessed through the recent launch of an engaging video conference featuring renowned Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor as the brand ambassador for its Indane XTRATEJ LPG brand.

At a recent event held in Bengaluru, V. Satish Kumar, the Marketing Director of Indian Oil, unveiled a captivating video advertisement spotlighting the Indane XTRATEJ LPG brand. This novel offering is poised to deliver a cost-efficient solution that caters not only to diverse sectors like hotels and hospitality but also aligns with the evolving expectations of customers in an era of rapid transformation.

Sailendra, the Executive Director at Indian Oil, unveiled the remarkable year-on-year surge in the market volume of Indane XTRATEJ LPG. This surge serves as a testament to the enthusiastic consumer demand for this product.

The Indane XTRATEJ brand promises a minimum savings of 5%, and users have the potential to amplify these savings based on their usage patterns. The potent blend of cost-effectiveness and Chef Sanjeev Kapoor’s endorsement renders XTRATEJ an irresistible choice for businesses operating within the hospitality and commercial sectors.

Expressing his commendation for Indian Oil’s endeavors, Chef Sanjeev Kapoor lauded the introduction of Indane XTRATEJ LPG as a timely solution. In an era marked by swift shifts in customer expectations, this offering not only conserves LPG but also presents an efficacious avenue for cost management.

Indian Oil is on the verge of introducing two pivotal products into the market: a high-pressure variable regulator and a commercial LPG hose, currently awaiting approval from LERC (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Equipment Research Centre). These products are meticulously designed to cater to the nuanced requirements of hoteliers and caterers, ensuring their access to dependable and efficient equipment.

Indian Oil’s supremacy in the LPG realm remains evident, commanding an impressive 49% market share. With an extensive outreach to an astonishing 16 crore customer connections and a daily distribution of 27 lakh cylinders, the company’s steadfast position in the sector is unwavering.