India’s Strong Participation in the Great Backyard Bird Count

India’s Strong Participation in the Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is an annual event where birdwatchers across the globe document bird species in their vicinity. India plays a significant role in this event, showcasing remarkable citizen science and enthusiasm for birdwatching.

Participation and Contributions

  • Yearly Event: Held between February 16 to 19.
  • Participant Count: Over a thousand birdwatchers across India participate.
  • Global Ranking: Last year, India secured the second-highest contributing country position and discovered the highest number of bird species worldwide.
  • Current Status (2024): India maintains a strong presence, ranking third globally for reported species and second for uploaded bird lists.

Notable Bird Species

  • Frequently Observed Birds: Include Himalayan Bulbul, House Crow, Red-vented Bulbul, Feral Pigeon, and Plume-toed Swift.
  • Regional Distribution: These birds are observed in specific regions such as the Himalayas, north and south, eastern and central regions, west, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Significance and Impact

  • Citizen Science Contribution: GBBC aids in understanding avian populations, contributing valuable data for conservation efforts.
  • Personal Testimonials: Birdwatchers like Sagarika Gupta and Dibyendu Ash express their enjoyment and the event’s purpose in fostering appreciation for birdlife.
  • Coordination: GBBC in India is coordinated by Bird Count India, involving various birding, nature, and conservation organizations.

Campus Bird Count

  • Sister Event: Alongside GBBC, educational and institutional campuses in India participate in the “Campus Bird Count.”
  • Importance: These areas outside protected zones are crucial habitats for wildlife, and monitoring bird populations in such areas is significant.


  • Global Organizers: Cornell University and the Audubon Society in the USA.
  • Local Coordination: GBBC in India is coordinated by Bird Count India.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. When is the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) usually held?
    • A) March 16 to 19
    • B) February 16 to 19
    • C) April 16 to 19
    • D) January 16 to 19
    • Answer: B) February 16 to 19
  2. Which country secured the highest number of reported bird species in the global GBBC in 2024?
    • A) India
    • B) Colombia
    • C) Ecuador
    • D) United States
    • Answer: B) Colombia
  3. What is the main purpose of the GBBC event?
    • A) To sell birdwatching equipment
    • B) To promote international tourism
    • C) To document bird species for conservation efforts
    • D) To study weather patterns
    • Answer: C) To document bird species for conservation efforts
  4. Which organization coordinates GBBC in India?
    • A) Cornell University
    • B) Bird Count India
    • C) The Audubon Society
    • D) Wildlife Institute of India
    • Answer: B) Bird Count India