Kerala Temple Boards Ban Oleander After Woman’s Accidental Poisoning

Kerala Temple Boards Ban Oleander After Woman’s Accidental Poisoning

Two Kerala temple boards banned the use of oleander flowers in offerings after a woman’s accidental poisoning. Here’s what you need to know about oleander, its uses, and toxicity.

Incident Details

Surya Surendran, a 24-year-old nurse, died due to accidental oleander poisoning. She chewed oleander leaves before a flight to the UK, experiencing symptoms shortly after.

About Oleander

  • Botanical Information: Nerium oleander, also known as oleander or rosebay, is a globally cultivated shrub known for its drought tolerance.
  • Local Names: In Kerala, it’s called arali or kanaveeram and is commonly found along highways and beaches.
  • Varieties: Oleander comes in different flower colors.
  • Medicinal Uses: Ayurvedic texts mention oleander’s use in treating skin diseases, though it’s also recognized as a poison.

Medicinal Uses and Toxicity

  • Ayurvedic References: Ayurvedic texts prescribe oleander for skin diseases like leprosy.
  • Toxicity: Oleander contains cardiac glycosides, making it toxic. Ingestion or inhalation of smoke can be intoxicating.
  • Cardiac Glycosides: Oleandrin, folinerin, and digitoxigenin are cardiac glycosides present in oleander, affecting heart muscle function.
  • Effects of Toxicity: Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, confusion, irregular heartbeat, slow heartbeat, and in severe cases, death.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What led to the ban on oleander flowers in temple offerings?
    • A) Oleander’s popularity in Kerala
    • B) An incident of accidental oleander poisoning
    • C) Government regulations on temple offerings
    • D) Oleander’s ornamental use in temples
    • Answer: B) An incident of accidental oleander poisoning
  2. What is another name for oleander?
    • A) Rosemary
    • B) Lavender
    • C) Nerium oleander
    • D) Jasmine
    • Answer: C) Nerium oleander
  3. What is the primary therapeutic value of cardiac glycosides found in oleander?
    • A) Slowing down heart contractions
    • B) Inducing sleep
    • C) Exerting tonic effects on the heart
    • D) Reducing blood pressure
    • Answer: C) Exerting tonic effects on the heart
  4. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of oleander toxicity?
    • A) Nausea
    • B) Confusion
    • C) Euphoria
    • D) Irregular heartbeat
    • Answer: C) Euphoria