Local Communities Aid in Groundbreaking Discovery of Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle Nesting in India

Local Communities Aid in Groundbreaking Discovery of Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle Nesting in India

The Cantor’s giant softshell turtle (Pelochelys cantorii) has been discovered nesting in India, a groundbreaking find for conservationists.

Rarity and Conservation Status

  • The Cantor’s giant softshell turtle is incredibly rare and native to South and Southeast Asia.
  • It faces threats from habitat destruction and overharvesting, leading to its classification as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.

Engagement with Local Communities

  • Conservationists engaged with local communities living near the Chandragiri River in Kerala, India.
  • Through interviews and collaboration, they gathered crucial information about the turtle’s habitat and behavior.

Nesting Evidence and Conservation Efforts

  • The collaboration led to the documentation of female nesting and the rescue of eggs from flooded nests.
  • Hatchlings were released into the river, contributing to the conservation effort.

Study and Publication

  • The study, led by multiple institutions including the University of Portsmouth and Zoological Society of London, was published in the journal Oryx.

Implications and Future Plans

  • The findings underscore the importance of local knowledge in conservation science.
  • The establishment of a local alert network represents a pioneering approach for real-time insights and immediate conservation action.
  • Plans for a community hatchery and nursery are underway, demonstrating a commitment to long-term conservation efforts.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

  1. What is the conservation status of the Cantor’s giant softshell turtle?
    • A) Endangered
    • B) Vulnerable
    • C) Critically Endangered
    • D) Near Threatened
    • Answer: C) Critically Endangered
  2. Where was the nesting evidence of the Cantor’s giant softshell turtle discovered in India?
    • A) Ganges River
    • B) Yamuna River
    • C) Chandragiri River
    • D) Brahmaputra River
    • Answer: C) Chandragiri River
  3. Which approach did conservationists use to gather information about the turtle’s habitat and behavior?
    • A) Satellite tagging
    • B) Camera trapping
    • C) Engaging with local communities
    • D) Setting up research stations
    • Answer: C) Engaging with local communities
  4. In which journal was the study about the discovery of the Cantor’s giant softshell turtle published?
    • A) Nature
    • B) Science
    • C) Oryx
    • D) Conservation Biology
    • Answer: C) Oryx
  5. What is one future plan mentioned in the article for the conservation of the Cantor’s giant softshell turtle?
    • A) Establishment of satellite monitoring
    • B) Setting up community hatchery and nursery
    • C) Implementing stricter fishing regulations
    • D) Translocating turtles to safer habitats
    • Answer: B) Setting up community hatchery and nursery