Mithun: Unlocking New Horizons as a ‘Food Animal’ in India

Mithun: Unlocking New Horizons as a 'Food Animal' in India
Mithun: Unlocking New Horizons as a 'Food Animal' in India

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has officially acknowledged Mithun as a ‘food animal,’ marking a significant turning point for this captivating bovine species found in Northeast India. This recognition not only holds potential economic benefits but also carries profound cultural and ecological significance in the region.

Mithun, scientifically known as Bos frontalis, thrives in the lush, hilly terrains of states like Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram, earning it the nickname “Cattle of the Hills.” Its importance transcends the realms of culture, economics, and ecology in these areas.