New Plant Species “McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis” Discovered in Kerala

New Plant Species “McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis” Discovered in Kerala

In a recent discovery, researchers from the Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) have identified a new plant species thriving in Nelliyampathy, Kerala.

Naming Tribute to Barbara McClintock

The plant is named “McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis” in honor of Barbara McClintock, a renowned geneticist known for her revolutionary work in genetic regulation, particularly in maize genetics.

Barbara McClintock’s Legacy

Barbara McClintock’s significant contributions to genetics earned her the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983. Her work continues to inspire generations of scientists.

Lead Researcher’s Enthusiasm

Dr. Vinod B. Mathew, the lead researcher, expressed excitement about the discovery and the privilege of naming the species after Barbara McClintock.

Characteristics of McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis

The plant is distinguished by its vibrant blossoms and unique leaf morphology.

Significance of Botanical Homage

The naming of McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis underscores Kerala’s rich biodiversity and pays tribute to influential figures in science.

Importance of Conservation Efforts

The discovery highlights the importance of documenting and conserving Kerala’s diverse flora.


McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis serves as a reminder of the wonders of the natural world and the enduring legacy of trailblazing scientists like Barbara McClintock.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the name of the newly discovered plant species?
    • A) Barbara Nelliyampathiensis
    • B) McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis
    • C) Keralaensis McClintockia
    • D) Vinodii Botanicus
    Answer: B) McClintockia Nelliyampathiensis
  2. Who is Barbara McClintock?
    • A) A botanist from Kerala
    • B) A geneticist known for her work in maize genetics
    • C) Lead researcher of KFRI
    • D) Nobel laureate in Physics
    Answer: B) A geneticist known for her work in maize genetics
  3. Why was the plant named after Barbara McClintock?
    • A) She discovered the plant.
    • B) She was a prominent figure in Kerala’s biodiversity.
    • C) She made significant contributions to genetics.
    • D) She funded the research.
    Answer: C) She made significant contributions to genetics.